These affiliated credit cards grant you access to our Before Boarding Premium Service (Meet & Greet).

The credit card holder  is responsible of knowing the accesses availability.

Once the granted accesses have been used, the credit card holders and their companios have a special rate for the Premium lounges (as long as the credit card holder is traveling).


Applies to primary cardholder and additional cardholder in Premium Service.

Includes companions up to 17 years of age inclusive, who are direct descendants of the cardholder and traveling on the same date and flight. It also allows up to 2 additional companions paying a special rate of US$80 for each one/per way.

Access: Unlimited. Each route, each cardholder and each accompanying minor, is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Popular Lounge in Santo Domingo (AILA), Zafiro Lounge and Turquesa Lounge in Santiago (AIC).

For access to the VIP service, please validate with your banking institution.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.


Applies to main cardholder and additional cardholder.

Includes companions up to 17 years of age inclusive, traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder.

Access: Unlimited. Each route, each cardholder and each accompanying minor, is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Room in Santo Domingo (AILA), Zafiro Room and Turquesa Room in Santiago (AIC).

Adult companions apply for a special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

For access to the VIP Lounges, please validate with your banking institution.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.


Applies to main cardholder and additional cardholder.

Visa Infinite UNIQUE includes companions up to and including 17 years old, traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder. Access: Unlimited. 

Your Visa Infinite UNIQUE BHD card grants you 10 annual upgrades to our exclusive Sky The Lounge with Relax Plus Access. Access for companions is available at an additional cost. This lounge is only available for departures from Santo Domingo (AILA).

Visa Infinite, Mastercard Black, Mujer Black and Visa Open cards include access for up to one (1) companion of any age traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder, subject to availability. Accesses: 10 per year.

The Mujer White card includes up to one (1) companion of any age traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder, as long as they have access available. Accesses: 4 per year.

Each route, each cardholder and each companion is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Room in Santo Domingo (AILA), Zafiro Room and Turquesa Room in Santiago (AIC).

Renewed access on July 1 of each year.

Companions not covered by your card, additional or insufficient access, applicable for special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

For access to the VIP Lounges, please validate with your banking institution.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.

Mujer white - BHD credit card


Applies to primary cardholders and additional cardholders.

Mastercard Black, Mastercard Black Air Europa, Visa Infinite, and Visa Infinite Connect Miles cards include access for up to three (3) companions traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder, provided there are available accesses. Accesses: 8 per year.

The Visa Platinum Connect Miles card includes access for up to three (3) companions traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder, provided there are available accesses. Accesses: 4 per year.

Each entry, each cardholder, and each companion is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Lounge in Santo Domingo (AILA) and the Zafiro and Turquesa Lounges in Santiago (AIC).

Accesses are renewed on January 1st of each year. They are not cumulative or transferable to third parties.

Once passes are exhausted, a special rate of USD 80 per person/per entry applies.

For access to VIP services, please check with your banking institution.

Optional services such as parking, traveling with pets, minors traveling without adults, and transfers to/from the airport have additional costs not covered by the affiliated product benefit.


Applies to primary cardholders and additional cardholders.

Includes guests traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder, provided there are available accesses.

Visa Infinite cards includes 12 accesses per year for the Premium Service.

Visa Platinum includes 4 accesses per year for the Premium service.

Each entry, each cardholder, and each guest is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Lounge in Santo Domingo (AILA) and the Zafiro and Turquesa Lounges in Santiago (AIC).

Accesses are renewed on January 1st of each year. They are neither accumulative nor transferable to third parties.

For insufficient or exhausted accesses, a special rate of US$80 per person/entry applies.

For VIP service access, please validate with your banking institution.

Optional services such as parking, traveling with pets, minors traveling without adults, and transfers to/from the airport incur additional costs not covered by the affiliated product benefit.


Applies to main cardholder and additional cardholder.

Includes companions traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder, as long as they have access available.

Accesses: 12 per year. Each route, each cardholder and each companion is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Room in Santo Domingo (AILA), Zafiro Room and Turquesa Room in Santiago (AIC).

Renewed access on June 1 of each year.

When the passes are exhausted, apply for a special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

For access to the VIP Lounges, please validate with your banking institution.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.


Applies to main cardholder and additional cardholder.

Includes companions traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder, as long as they have access available.

Accesses: 6 per year. Each route, each cardholder and each companion is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Room in Santo Domingo (AILA), Zafiro Room and Turquesa Room in Santiago (AIC).

Renewed access on January 1 of each year.

When the passes are exhausted, apply for a special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

For access to the VIP Lounges, please validate with your banking institution.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.


Applies to main cardholder and additional cardholder.

Includes companions traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder, as long as they have access available.

Accesses: 5 per year. Each route, each cardholder and each companion is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Room in Santo Domingo (AILA), Zafiro Room and Turquesa Room in Santiago (AIC).

Renewed access on January 1 of each year.

When the passes are exhausted, apply for a special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

For access to the VIP Lounges, please validate with your banking institution.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.


Applies to main cardholder and additional cardholder.

Includes companions traveling on the same date and flight as the cardholder, as long as they have access available.

Accesses: 4 per year. Each route, each cardholder and each companion is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Room in Santo Domingo (AILA), Zafiro Room and Turquesa Room in Santiago (AIC).

Renewed access on January 1 of each year.

When the passes are exhausted, apply for a special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

For access to the VIP Lounges, please validate with your banking institution.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.


Applies to primary cardholder and additional cardholder in Premium Service.

Includes companions up to 17 years of age inclusive, who are direct descendants of the cardholder and traveling on the same date and flight.

Accesses: 12 per year. Each route, each cardholder and each accompanying minor, is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Lounge in Santo Domingo (AILA), Zafiro Lounge and Turquesa Lounge in Santiago (AIC).

Renewed access on January 1 of each year.

Additional companions and/or exhausted accesses, apply for a special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

For access to the VIP service, please validate with your banking institution.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.


These insurance products have included access to Before Boarding´s Premium Lounges.

The holder of the membership is responsible for knowing the availability of passes of his product.

Once the authorized passes are exhausted, members have a special rate just like their companions (as long as the member is traveling) for the Premium lounges.


Global Health Platinum (Unlimited Access)

Global Health Premium (6 accesses)

Global Health Executive (4 accesses)

Global Health Master (4 accesses)

Global Health Classic (2 accesses)

Global Health Latitude (2 accesses)

Platinum (2 accesses)

*Applies to owner and dependents. The companions traveling with the holder or dependent on the same date and flight, may enter the room paying a special rate.

Each route and each insurance holder is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Room in Santo Domingo (AILA), Zafiro Room and Turquesa Room in Santiago (AIC).

Renewed access on March 15 of each year.

Companions and/or exhausted accesses, apply for a special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.


Mapfre Prestige (4 accesses)

*Applies to owner and dependents. The companions traveling with the holder or dependent on the same date and flight, may enter the lounge by paying a special rate.

Each route and each insurance holder is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Room in Santo Domingo (AILA).

Renewed access on January 1 of each year.

Companions and/or exhausted accesses, apply for a special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.


Exclusive Plus (2 accesses)

GoldMed Plus (2 accesses)

GoldMed (2 accesses)

SilverMed (2 accesses)

Annual Elite (2 accesses)

*Applies to owner and dependents. The companions traveling with the holder or dependent on the same date and flight, may enter the lounge by paying a special rate.

Each route and each insurance holder is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Room in Santo Domingo (AILA).

Renewed access on January 1 of each year.

Companions and/or exhausted accesses, apply for a special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.


Just Total (2 accesses)

Just Balance (2 accesses)

Just Control (1 access)

*Applies to owner and dependents. The companions traveling with the holder or dependent on the same date and flight, may enter the lounge by paying a special rate.

Each route and each insurance holder is considered one (1) access used.

Valid with prior reservation for the Premium Room in Santo Domingo (AILA).

Renewed access on January 1 of each year.

Companions and/or exhausted accesses, apply for a special rate of US$80 per person/per way.

Additional services such as parking, travel with pets, transfers to and from the airport, have an additional cost not covered by the benefit of the affiliated product.